Join the Friends of the WELLINGTON
Join the Friends of the WELLINGTON and help the Wellington Trust to maintain and preserve this iconic ship, which is credited with escorting 103 convoys bringing urgent supplies to our beleaguered nation’s shores during WWII.
Now a heritage ship, with education programmes, exhibitions, heritage events, tours and venue hire, the WELLINGTON is unique, being the only surviving WWII convoy escort ship afloat in Europe.
When you join, you can rest in the knowledge that your support will help secure the future of the WELLINGTON, conserving her as part of the nation’s maritime heritage, keeping her at Temple Stairs to continue our mission to educate and inform communities, local, national and international about the importance of the Royal Navy and British Merchant Navy to our island nation.
The WELLINGTON is one of only two surviving WWII British Royal Navy Warships permanently moored on the Thames Embankment; many others have since disappeared making the WELLINGTON’s presence at Temple Stairs even more important.
A national treasure, owned by the Wellington Trust, WELLINGTON is no 502 on the Historic Ships Register and was granted World Ship Status in 2004. She has been a much-loved feature on the riverscape since her arrival in 1948. Reaching the 90th anniversary of her launch in May 2024 means that now is a great time to join us and support her journey towards her centenary.
Subscriptions (inclusive of VAT)
Gift Aid is not reclaimable on Friends’ memberships.
Joining us as a friend allows you to:
- come onboard the WELLINGTON during published opening times and make use of the ship’s Wardroom
- bring guests (accompanied by a member) into the Wardroom (*under 18s are not generally permitted in the Wardroom except at the discretion of the senior person on duty)
- receive advanced invitations to attend special events in the presence of our Royal Patron
- receive an invitation to the Annual Friends’ Reception
- receive advanced notification of online Heritage Lectures and of Wellington Trust fundraising events, exhibition openings and other special events
- receive the quarterly newsletter.
Refreshment costs are extra. Reservations are required but there are no booking fees. Please reserve your place(s) with the Trust’s Manager, Fiona Sparkes at